Saturday, April 12, 2014

I'm Back!

After a long hiatus I'm finally back with some updates! There is a recent initiative by my mentor to go back to basics with regards to trading with the SRDC system. Recently we have been overwhelmed with new and fancy techniques so much so that we have forgotten what brought us to the dance in the first place... the basics A.K.A the A300 system. After recent backtest and forward testing, i was absolutely blown away by the simplicity, ease of trading and the profitability with just using the basics. Imagine an easy to follow system that can yield on a minimum 10% return on investment every single month! To put that into perspective, most if not all banks can't even promise 1% ROI annually!!!

Alright, enough talk, time for some results and proof that the system actually works...

An A300 trade that yielded 610 pips. 
Another A300 trade which yielded 370 pips
So in just 2 trades using basic A300 technique, i was able to harvest a total of 980 pips in total. Now what does this mean in $$$ terms. Basically take 980 pips x (insert $ value) = $$$$$

Lets say you start off with a micro account, you might wanna trade just 1 cent per pip. So in this case 980 pips * $0.01 = $9.80
Using a mini account maybe you wanna use 10 cents per pip... 980*$0.10 = $98.00
Using standard account and using $1.00 per pip.... 980 pips * $1.00 = $980.00

I think you get the picture. So using a very conservative money management, the above trades equated to a 9.8% ROI (Return On Investment)... which is pretty good by any standards.

Remember that this is only using just the basics... we have other traders in our community that can do more than 10% ROI in a few hours! and manage to harvest in excess of 100% ROI monthly.

So when you think 10% ROI monthly sounds good and you would like to know more, please visit

SRDC was founded in Brunei and has spread to multiple countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines just to name a few.

That's all for now and i'll be back very soon with more updates!

As usual i'll leave you with a quote that i saw from our Sensei, Orange Roshan's instagram: "You can't have a million dollar dream with a minimum wage work ethic."

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The power of the SRDC system

How it all began

Let me take you back to the time when all of this began. My journey as a SRDC trader has been a long but rewarding one. I still remember clearly the first time me and my brother were introduced to the SRDC community back in 2008. Coincidentally, 2008 was also the year i started working after graduating with a bachelor's degree in engineering. After a few weeks in the office i started pondering about my future. For some reason, i could not see my future 5 to 10 years from now. I did not have a vision and a goal of what i wanted to achieve so i felt lost for the first time in my life.

A few days later while i was chatting to a good friend, he started to show me the charts and started talking to me about the SRDC system and how we could make additional income by trading the currency market. The potential of making extra income really intrigued me so i asked him a few questions and he then asked me to meet with a few successful traders. Since he was a close friend and because i trusted him, i just agreed to the meeting without asking too many questions. The first trader i was introduced to was Joebell, now i don't remember what was said in that meeting but obviously enough was said to convince me to give this a go and i signed up to be a member and a few days later attended my first class.

The Epic Class

This class was held at Empire in one of the ballrooms and was filled with a few hundred people! Successful instructors from Brunei started sharing their knowledge and taught us the skills required to trade the market. Even the founder himself, OrangeRoshan made an appearance. By the end of the night, we could not absorb everything that was taught but i can remember i was pumped up! I could sense that this community is special and i had a feeling i'm gonna be spending a lot of time with these new found friends and will be learning a lot from them. When i look back, this was probably one of the best investment i've made to become a member of the SRDC community. Not only do they teach you how to make money, more importantly its the principals and the knowledge about success that me and my brother has found to be the most rewarding thing we have learned from the awesome members of the community.

Who do you hang out with?

I read somewhere that you can predict a person's income by looking at the average income of the 5 people he/she spend most of their time with. This is very true, for example if you wanna be a good footballer, you hangout with good football players... if you wanna be a good engineer, you hangout with good engineers... if you wanna be rich and successful, find someone who is successful who is willing to teach you and you latch onto them and learn from them. This is easier said than done, you're not gonna go up to Bill Gates and ask him to teach you about his success principals are you? What i'm trying to say is find someone who can be your "rich dad". This term comes from successful entrepreneur and author Robert Kiyosaki who wrote Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I read this book a few years ago and it has completely changed my perspective about money. I highly recommend those of you who haven't read this book to give it a go. Trust me, it will change how you look at money.

What did i gain from the SRDC community

A lot of people involve themselves with the SRDC community or any other trading system solely with the intent that they wanna make money or become overnight millionaires. Now there's nothing wrong with thinking like that but the "overnight" part ain't gonna happen. It takes work and discipline, just like any other new skills or profession before you start reaping the rewards, The reason why most people don't make a success out of this is because they treat it like a hobby. In the words of one of my mentors: "If you treat it like a hobby, it will pay you like a hobby... If you treat it like a profession, it will pay you handsomely". Also their ego gets in the way. After losing a few trades, they start questioning the system. This is human nature i guess... its never their fault, its always someone else's fault.

How i judge a trading system's success rates is not to look at the hundreds or even thousands of people that have quit but instead i look to the successful traders. If they can do it using the same system and if they can mentor others to achieve the same success, then there is nothing wrong with the system, there is something wrong with ME. I'm not putting in the work, I'm not treating it like a profession, I'm not seeking advise and mentorship... Remember to always look in the mirror first before placing the blame on someone or something else. I can say that this is the biggest lesson that i've learned from my association with this community. Another attribute that i want to attain that has been shown by so many of the leaders is humility. When you have the power to make money just like that, this power can either make you successful or destroy you. I believe humility is the answer to this.

Remember trading is 10% skill and 90% psychology. Don't waste your time searching for the perfect system but instead work on your psychology. I truly believe that if you have a good psychology, you can make any system work.

Till next time, i leave you with another quote from the immortal Muhammad Ali: "Inside of a ring or out, ain't nothing wrong with going down. It's staying down that's wrong."

Friday, June 21, 2013

The SRDC community

My name is SP@ST84 and this is the pilot post. I'm a proud member of the prestigious SRDC Worldwide trading community. SRDC Worldwide is founded by Orange Roshan from Brunei and has expanded worldwide... training centres have popped up in countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Philippines to name a few.

SRDC teaches its members very simple and predictable trading techniques. However, simple doesn't mean its easy. To be a successful day trader, you need to put in the work. Some people think that by learning the techniques, they can be an overnight millionaire. I'll have to admit that this thought has crossed my mind when I was first introduced to the system and the community. I soon found out that this was not the case. Trading is 10% skill and 90% psychology. It takes hard work, mentoring and persistence to make it work. Thankfully I have been blessed to be surrounded by successful traders who are mentors to me.

In this blog, I will be sharing my trades and also lessons that I have obtained by being around this awesome community. Currently I have a day job as an engineer and i'm also running a precious metals distribution business along with my brother and business partner.

To end my post I will leave you with a quote:
"Your future will be determined by the people you associate with and the books you read."