My name is SP@ST84 and this is the pilot post. I'm a proud member of the prestigious SRDC Worldwide trading community. SRDC Worldwide is founded by Orange Roshan from Brunei and has expanded worldwide... training centres have popped up in countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Philippines to name a few.
SRDC teaches its members very simple and predictable trading techniques. However, simple doesn't mean its easy. To be a successful day trader, you need to put in the work. Some people think that by learning the techniques, they can be an overnight millionaire. I'll have to admit that this thought has crossed my mind when I was first introduced to the system and the community. I soon found out that this was not the case. Trading is 10% skill and 90% psychology. It takes hard work, mentoring and persistence to make it work. Thankfully I have been blessed to be surrounded by successful traders who are mentors to me.
In this blog, I will be sharing my trades and also lessons that I have obtained by being around this awesome community. Currently I have a day job as an engineer and i'm also running a precious metals distribution business along with my brother and business partner.
To end my post I will leave you with a quote:
"Your future will be determined by the people you associate with and the books you read."